Employment Tribunal claims fees
Our costs for advising on claims for unfair or wrongful dismissal are based on the amount of time we spend on each claim. We charge an hourly rate of £265 per hour plus VAT. (Sometimes we may agree to a fixed fee.)
The amount of time needed to advise on a claim can vary considerably as each claim is unique.
At the start of every case, we provide an estimate of the likely cost to be incurred. This estimate will be based on our experience with similar cases. We will keep you regularly updated on the costs incurred on a monthly basis by sending monthly invoices.
For details on the experience and qualifications of our Solicitors, please see https://www.dphlegal.com/our-team/.
Disbursements (expenses) are not included in our hourly rate and are charged extra at the same cost we pay.
Examples of disbursements are:
• The cost of travel to and from meetings or Tribunal Hearings;
• Any fees incurred in couriering documents;
• Court fees
• Translation fees
• Barristers’ fees – these will depend upon:
o The extent of their involvement in any pre-hearing work;
o The complexity of the issues and the evidence;
o Their seniority;
o The likely length of time needed to prepare the case and;
o The length of any hearing.
o Barristers’ fees typically range between £750 and £2,000 plus VAT per day.
Examples of fees:
• Average claim – £10,000 – £20,000 plus VAT
(i.e. a claim relating to redundancy or involving a single act of misconduct. For complex claims legal fees can exceed this.)
The fees can include tasks such as:
• Receiving initial instructions;
• Considering relevant documents and providing preliminary advice;
• Drafting Claim form for approval and submission to the Tribunal;
• Receiving and Considering the former employer’s response;
• Reviewing and disclosing all relevant documents;
• Preparing and agreeing on witness statements in support of the Claimant’s claims;
• Reviewing and considering the witness statements prepared in support of the former employer’s claim; discussing the statements with the Claimant’s witnesses and considering whether to prepare any supplementary evidence;
• Preparing and agreeing on a Schedule of Loss (i.e. the sums being claimed);
• Preparing witnesses and case for the Tribunal Hearing;
• Instructing Counsel (if appropriate);
• Attending the Tribunal hearing;
• Receiving and forwarding to you any written judgment.
The firm occasionally offers a Damages Based Agreement (also known as ‘no win no fee) in which case clients pay up to 35% including VAT of any damages negotiated or recovered on a client’s behalf.