How To Ask For A Settlement Agreement

Clients often ask us what the appropriate way is to request a settlement agreement. The answer to this question depends on the factual circumstances of the case at the time that the employee is considering asking for one.   If you are in a dispute with your employer as a result of being poorly treated,  … Read more

Settlement Agreement Advice For Employees

Does a settlement agreement need to be signed by a solicitor?   The short answer is yes. Formerly known as compromise agreements, settlement agreements are in fact legally binding contracts. They allow an employment contract to be terminated on terms agreed by both the employee and employer. DPH Legal are settlement agreement experts and can … Read more

Negotiating A Settlement Agreement with Your Employer

You’ve been given a settlement agreement. As a legal requirement, you need to seek legal advice from an employment lawyer specialising in settlement agreements. Is the offer in your settlement agreement fair? Maybe you have grounds to negotiate more compensation or terms.   You are within your rights to make a counteroffer to your employer. This negotiation can … Read more