Employment Settlement Agreement

Can you negotiate a settlement agreement?   One of the first questions that come to mind when an individual has been offered a settlement agreement is can you negotiate a settlement agreement offer? The answer is the agreement is always subject to negotiation, however, whether or not the negotiation is likely to be successful depends … Read more

Discrimination Settlement Agreement

One of the many reasons why individuals are offered settlement agreements is when they are in a dispute related to discrimination.   There are many different forms of discrimination in UK employment law, including discrimination on the grounds of age, sex, sexuality, race, religion or belief and disability. It is common practice for employers to … Read more

Disputes in the Workplace

A dispute in the workplace can arise for a variety of different reasons.   In some cases, an employer may be implementing a performance management process. This will involve warning employees about their alleged underperformance and offering them an opportunity to improve their performance over time, whilst training and assistance are offered.   Sometimes this … Read more

Common Issues in the Workplace

Employees experience lots of different types of issues in the workplace. Often the first thing to do when concerns arise within the workplace is to address this informally with your employer. How to raise a grievance   If this fails, then an employee has the option of addressing issues in the workplace via a formal grievance … Read more